
I dont know who I am this week

I never believed in bisexuality, I figured it was only a stepping stone to one side or another. I always thought girls who identified as bisexual were really only the partisexuals, the kind that seek male attention by making out with a woman. I believed that males identifying as bisexual were just afraid to identify as homosexual. Please do not misunderstand me, I am not saying this with any sort of malice or homophobia, solely ignorance.
When Tyler first came out to me, he told me he was bisexual, I told him that I didn't think he was really being honest, that he had to pick a team. I told him not to try and spare my feelings with this bisexual bullshit, our entire relationship was a lie, and that was okay, I loved him anyway. A month or two later he began identifying as gay, that was all the proof that bisexuality did not exist that my tiny mind needed. However I have found myself in a very uncomfortable situation, I am sexually attracted to a good friend of mine, and her roommate, CJ, at the same time. Could I be more of a confused mess? I have always been kind of interested in women, but it was never very strong, always easy to ignore, and pass off as normal hormonal things, this time is different... I want to hold her hand when we walk together, I want her to kiss me instead of hug me hello, I want her to know how much I mean it when I tell her she's beautiful. I want to sleep beside her, I want to be the big spoon, I want to have sex with her, I want to spend all my time with her. Then I go to her house, where CJ is sitting on the couch playing video games, and I want him, I want him to kiss me, touch me, hold me, the only difference is I want him to be big spoon.
When I first told Durae that I thought I might possibly be interested in women, she was super supportive, and told me about her belief that there aren't really any lines in sexuality, that a person can be just attracted to someone of their own sex, as the opposite. She doesn't believe that there even are "teams" as I do, she believes we're all switch hitters. She has never told me however, what she identifies as. I would like to believe she is open to the idea of dating a girl, in particular, me. I just don't know how to bring it up to her. It doesn't help that because I am so confused by my own sexuality I have recanted my statement several times, always reinstating my lesbian tendancies later. AWKWARD.

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