
I'm gonna be a lady someday

I spent a significant amount of time sans TylerJ. and I didn't even miss him. Until today. I went to the aquarium with Kevin, and Durae, and I missed Tyler immensely. Later we went to the beach, and Tyler stopped by on his break, of course we hugged and told each other we missed us. I feel like I had one step forward and two steps back, I need to learn to love my independence. Though admittedly I am no longer as dependent upon him, I still seem to want him in my life, I wish I didn't.

The girl I was half interested now has a boyfriend which is kind of shitty, but she is pretty sweet, and I am anxious to be her friend. Also, I am back in Vancouver, and teh sun is shining. Life is beautiful.


Today will be better I swear

I am in Prince George once again. The trip was on my terms this time, which is a start. I have been battling and making up with mother for a month or so now, we have a lunch date tomorrow. Hopefully things will go well. I have begun to distance myself from Tyler, it has been over a week since we last saw each other, I think we are kind of fighting, surprise surprise. The independence is good for me, I needed it. I crave it. I don't know what to do with it now that I have it.

I changed my POF account to looking for a woman, and I have found a woman that holds my interest. She is quite cute, and bisexual as well, which is always a good thing. We have only been talking so far, we have not met in person yet, though hopefully we will get a chance as soon as I'm back. I have given up on my crush on Durae, though I do like her, in both senses of the word, her friendship is vital to me, a relationship with her is not.